Discoloured Teeth: What are the Suitable Options for Restoration?

Posted on: 20 November 2017

There are numerous causes of teeth discolouration, and they range from poor oral hygiene and staining foods to diseases and medications. In most cases, the loss of natural brilliance does not compromise the functionality of the dental structures. However, the discolouration can cause discomfort and embarrassment due to the decline in aesthetics. Therefore, if you are struggling with this issue, you should consult your experienced dentist for treatment. Here are the primary options that you should consider for the restoration of your discoloured teeth. 

Whitening Agents

Extrinsic stains on the teeth can be eliminated through professional cleanings and the use of whitening agents. These types of stains affect the external layer of teeth, which is commonly known as the enamel. The staining is superficial, and it is typically caused by staining foods such as coffee and wine, smoking and poor hygiene. Professional dental cleanings can improve the teeth by eliminating plaque and tartar deposits. Whitening agents will bleach the teeth enamel, restoring the natural brilliance. You can choose in-office whitening; dentists have access to exceptional products for ideal results. You can also use whitening toothpaste or home bleaching products. 

Dental Bonding

If the discolouration of your teeth is not extrinsic, dental whitening products will not produce the right results. Stains which affect the inner structure of the teeth, usually the dentin, are known as intrinsic stains. This problem is caused by high exposure to minerals like fluoride, medications like tetracycline or dental trauma in early childhood. If this is your case, you should think about choosing dental bonding as part of the restoration process. Bonding involves the application of a tooth-white dental resin. The fluid will conceal the discolouration, and the dentist will cure the resin using specialised high-intensity light. 

Porcelain Veneers

Dental veneers can also be utilised for resolving intrinsic discolouration of teeth. This product is favoured in cosmetic dentistry because it improves dental aesthetics dramatically. Veneers are layers or thin shells which are placed over the external surface of the teeth to conceal the original structure. These units are designed to replace the original enamel of the dental structure. They are coloured like natural teeth and have the ideal shape for a beautiful smile. These products will not only resolve discolouration problems. They can also conceal and change the shape and size of the teeth for an ideal appearance. 

Choosing the right restoration solution for your discoloured teeth can be challenging. Therefore, you should have an open discussion with your dentist before making your decision. 


Health and Medical: Looking After The Heart and Other Organs

Howdy! My name is Jen and this is my new blog. While I am not a medical professional, I do have a good understanding of various medical conditions. I gained this understanding when my son Ben was in and out of the hospital. He was born with a weak heart which meant that he has had to have regular medical check-ups and appointments every few months. He is now 21 years old and he has just had surgery to repair his damaged heart. I decided to start this blog so I could offer advice on various health and medical topics.

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