3 Signs Your GP May Need to Check Your Blisters

Posted on: 25 July 2019

While blisters may be troublesome for a while, you don't usually need any medical help to get rid of them. However, sometimes, blisters can be more of a problem and you may need to see your GP to have them checked out and treated.

What are the signs that you may need to see a doctor about your blisters?

1. Your Blisters Affect Mobility

If you have a regular friction blister that happened after wearing a new pair of shoes, then you can usually manage the blister until your body deals with it.

However, a large blister or a cluster of them may be less manageable. You may not be able to wear shoes at all even if you cover the blisters, or the area may hurt when you walk even when you aren't wearing shoes.

In this case, it may be a good idea to see your GP. They may want to lance the blisters and dress them. It's best not to do this yourself as you risk infecting the blisters if you mess around with them.

2. Your Blisters Are Infected

Sometimes, however, blisters can get infected even if you're careful not to interfere with them. For example, this may happen if you have a blister over a cooking burn that pops accidentally before it has healed.

If you have a broken blister that has now filled with a yellowy, pus-like substance rather than a clear fluid, this may be a sign of infection. You may also notice that the skin around the blister is redder than normal and feels a little hot to the touch.

If this happens, you may need to see your doctor. The blister may need to be lanced and cleaned out, or you may need antibiotic treatment to clear up the infection.

3. You Don't Know Where the Blisters Came From

While you won't be surprised if a blister develops after you wear tight shoes for the first time or over a burn, you can sometimes get blisters that appear for no reason. These blisters may also appear on unusual parts of your body, such as your limbs, trunk or mouth.

These blisters are often signs of a different kind of infection. For example, if you have a cluster of small blisters on your body, then you may have shingles. Your GP needs to see these unexplained blisters in case you need them to be treated.

If blisters are giving you problems, call your GP and ask for advice.


Health and Medical: Looking After The Heart and Other Organs

Howdy! My name is Jen and this is my new blog. While I am not a medical professional, I do have a good understanding of various medical conditions. I gained this understanding when my son Ben was in and out of the hospital. He was born with a weak heart which meant that he has had to have regular medical check-ups and appointments every few months. He is now 21 years old and he has just had surgery to repair his damaged heart. I decided to start this blog so I could offer advice on various health and medical topics.

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