Have You Been in for a Smear Test Recently?

Posted on: 25 July 2018

When was the last time that you went for cervical screening? This can be a very sensitive subject that many women choose to ignore, but you may do so at your peril. There are many different screening programs available in your locality, and you should get the information as soon as possible, as it just might save your life. What do you need to know?

Why Is It Important?

Doctors recommended that anyone who has been sexually active in the past and who is over the age of 25 should attend a screening session. Anybody can be at risk, even if they have been in a monogamous relationship for a long time.

How Is This Performed?

When you attend the test, a number of cells will be gathered from the neck of the womb, in an area known as the cervix. These will be examined using a microscope to quickly identify any cells that are thought to be abnormal. The test is not looking for cancer, per se, but the possibility that it may develop in the future.

It's important to understand that cervical cancer can take a long time to develop, and it's best if the risk is identified early so that precautions can then be taken.

What Else Does the Test Say?

Some people think that this test can alert them to other sexually transmitted diseases, but this is not the case, as it is very specific. It will not tell you if you are fertile or give you any other information. If you have any worries in other areas, you should talk with your family doctor about them.

What If Something Unusual Is Found?

You will be informed if anything abnormal is found after the test, and you will be asked to come into a special clinic so that the doctor can look at your cervix under a microscope. This will confirm or eliminate the abnormality and allow the specialist to make a decision. Often, they will simply keep an eye on it and ask you to come back for subsequent tests, but sometimes it may need to be removed soon.

Stepping up

Remember, you should not stick your head in the sand and think that something like this will never happen to you. These screening programmes are there to help you.

If you have any particular challenges with this type of test, have a word with a gynaecologist, but otherwise schedule one as soon as possible.


Health and Medical: Looking After The Heart and Other Organs

Howdy! My name is Jen and this is my new blog. While I am not a medical professional, I do have a good understanding of various medical conditions. I gained this understanding when my son Ben was in and out of the hospital. He was born with a weak heart which meant that he has had to have regular medical check-ups and appointments every few months. He is now 21 years old and he has just had surgery to repair his damaged heart. I decided to start this blog so I could offer advice on various health and medical topics.

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